- Simplified shotgun sequencing process
- Amplification of DNA through vectors
- Location of forward and reverse reads on plasmids
- Example for trace data with the four gel lanes superposed.
- Example for bad trace signal quality, start of trace
- Example for good trace signal quality, middle of trace
- Example for bad signal quality, end of a trace
- Example for a gene architecture in eukaryotic genomes.
- Example for gene splice variations in eukaryotic
- Conventional assembly
- Integrated assembly
- Explainable assembly discrepancy
- Unexplainable assembly discrepancy
- Phases of a MIRA assembly cycle
- Mode of operation for DNASAND
- Transforming a nucleotide 8-tuple (octet) into a 16 bit hash.
- Transforming an octet with an undefined base
into hashes
- Computation of the combined hash-position table
- Splitting a combined hash-position table into
- Computing a octet distance histogram.
- Compressing imprints into boolean arrays.
- Transforming 9-tuples into hashes allowing for errors
- Read scan matrices.
- Smith-Waterman banding.
- Smith-Waterman band prediction
- Smith-Waterman (SW) band calculation predecessor
- Modified Smith-Waterman algorithm: accepted match.
- Modified Smith-Waterman algorithm: rejected match.
- Assembly overlap graph.
- Example for an assembly graph
- Path building examples.
- Assembly graph example.
- Failure example when using simple read acceptance strategies in
- Contig using additional sequencing information.
- Example for using strict signal checking in contig standard repeat
- Calculating base group qualities
- Discovery of previously unknown long term repeats.
- Resolved long term repeats with PRMB tags.
- Extension of confidence regions.
- Coverage example in non-normalised EST project
- Detection of SNP base in EST sequences
- Merging mRNA transcripts
- Categorising SNPs with sequences that have strain information
- Sample of an assembly HTML output
Bastien Chevreux