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Papers, presentations and posters

The official description of the project (in german)
A poster of the DHGP meeting in Berlin 1998 (english)
A poster of the "Genome and Proteomics 98" in Heidelberg and the "German Conference on Bioinformatics" GCB 98 in Cologne (english)
A paper presenting an early version of the MIRA assembler (without interaction with the automatic editor) at the "German Conference on Bioinformatics" GCB 99 in Hannover (english). The website of the German Conference on Bioinformatics 1999 (GCB 99) with an HTMLised version of the paper is here. The PowerPoint slides for the talk are here.
A poster presented at the ISMB 99 conference in Heidelberg and the "German Conference on Bioinformatics" GCB 99 in Hannover
The 2004 June edition of Genome Research has an article describing miraEST and an application of the program in cross-species EST assembly: "Using the miraEST Assembler for Reliable and Automated mRNA Transcript Assembly and SNP Detection in Sequenced ESTs"
Thesis written on the MIRA assembler: PDF version and HTML version

The old project page at the DKFZ

The corrsesponding server at the DKFZ is down now, so I copied what I could. Please click here for a copy. Please note that I removed the old downloads and replaced them with a link to the actual ones.

MIRA has moved to SourceForge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mira-assembler

© 1997-2013 by Bastien Chevreux