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EdIt V1.8 (stable, development & test version)

The archives contain each two executables (one for ABI data, the other for ALF), a toy project to test functionality of the editor and documentation in HTML, texinfo and man page format. We know that there might still be a few bugs, these will be recognised internally and cause the program to stop and complain about it. EdIt might also occasionally crash on you. Please mail us if you run into troubles.

This version is free for everybody to download and test, but look at the section "License, Disclaimer and Copyright" provided with the documentation that's available online and within the packages.

download Gzip tar archive, approx. 1.5MB
download Bzip2 tar archive, approx  1.4MB
i386 Linux
download Gzip tar archive, approx. 1.0MB
download Bzip2 tar archive, approx. 1.0MB
Sun Solaris
download Gzip tar archive, approx.  1.1MB
download Bzip2 tar archive, approx. 1.1MB

© 1999 by Thomas Pfisterer